The hypertext portion of the Web in particular has an intricate intellectual history; notable influences and precursors include Vannevar Bush 's Memex, IBM's Generalized Markup Language, and Ted Nelson 's Project Xanadu. Paul Otlet 's Mundaneum project has also been named as an early 20th-century precursor of the Web.

Aw snap! Google Earth isn't supported on your browser. You may need to update your browser or use a different browser. Please see our system requirements for more A history of HTML - World Wide Web Consortium 2 - A history of HTML. Included in this chapter is information on: How the World Wide Web began he Internet Engineering Task Force is the international standards and development body of the Internet and is a large, open community of network designers, operators, vendors and researchers concerned with the evolution and smooth operation of A Brief History of the Internet

Browser History Viewer is a free tool for viewing website history from Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Internet Explorer web browsers.

McConnell measure would let FBI see web-browsing history It blocks the FBI from accessing the "content" of people's web-browsing history but would let the FBI access records detailing which sites and search terms people entered. Web History Timeline | Pew Research Center Mar 11, 2014

Timeline: The 30-Year History of the World Wide Web

Browser History Viewer is a free tool for viewing website history from Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Internet Explorer web browsers. HistoryNet